· By Lexi
Tourism can be bad because it can cause environmental damage, overcrowding, and disruption to local cultures and traditions. It can also lead to increased prices for locals, as tourist destinations become more expensive to visit. To make tourism better, tourists should always respect the local culture and environment, as well as be mindful of their impact on the destination they are visiting. Tourists should also support local businesses whenever possible and be aware of the environmental impacts of their activities. Additionally, governments should be proactive in regulating tourism in order to minimize any negative effects and create a more sustainable industry.
1. Respect the culture and customs of the place you are visiting.
2. Learn some basic words and phrases in the local language.
3. Follow the laws and regulations of the place you are visiting.
4. Take only pictures, leave only footprints.
5. Respect the beliefs and religions of the people in the places you visit.
6. Be mindful of your impact on the environment. - Bring a reusable water bottle & use reef safe sunscreen
7. Be courteous and respectful to the locals - Send a shaka their way
8. Don't over-consume - Your wallet is one of the most effective ways to support
9. Do your research before visiting a place.
10. Plan ahead and be aware of any safety risks.
11. Take the road less traveled - there are always alternative restaurants, hikes, and activities that the rest of the crowd doesn't acknowledge.
Travel is a great way to explore new places, meet new people, and open your mind to different cultures - it can be the ultimate 'perspective reset'. It allows us to provide economic benefits like job opportunities and income to indigenous communities, as well as a boost to local businesses.