Free Shipping on Orders $79+


  • Orders over $79 qualify for free 3-4 Day shipping through USPS
  • We also offer expedited USPS Shipping for an additional price which is calculated at checkout
  • We offer same day fulfillment on most weekdays, excluding holidays. If you order Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday, your order will be shipped first thing Monday
  • We currently do not offer international shipping
  • If your item is damaged, dented, or melted upon arrival, please contact us and we will provide a full refund or return upon reasonable proof
  • Cancellations must be submitted via email prior to your order being dispatched from our fulfillment center
  • If your package is marked as delivered but can't be found, call or visit your local USPS and provide them with your tracking number
  • Postcards™ is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. We have no control over your package after it is handed to the carrier
  • Please allow for delivery delays during peak order volume. Items that arrive significantly later than expected may qualify for a partial refund, unless notice of delay is given and cancellation options are offered.